The Netherlands may be relatively small in size, but it is a global player when it comes to agricultural production. The close contact between onion growers, seed breeders and researchers certainly contributes to this. Thanks to the favorable Dutch climate and the mineral-rich marine clay, Dutch onion growers are able to bring a top quality product, with an optimum taste, into market. In close collaboration with processors, exporters and buyers, new onion varieties with specific characteristics such as color, shape, density, skin firmness, taste or an early or late harvesting time, are continuously being developed. Know more about the onion’s nutritional value and composition.
Dutch processors’ well-thought-out logistic processing and storage methods ensure consistent quality and supply throughout the year. No other country in the world is capable of supplying such a wide range year-round. The Dutch onion is, with a volume of 1.3 million tonnes cultivated and 1 million tonnes exported, the most important product in the Dutch vegetable sector. With over 15% of the global onion export market share, there is no doubt that our Dutch onions are world leaders. No less than 95% of Dutch onions are exported to more than 130 countries worldwide. The proximity of the large European ports of Rotterdam, Antwerp and Vlissingen ensure that Dutch onions reach their destination within the shortest transit time possible.
Dutch onions
YELLOW ONIONS: this is the most common variety of onion, characterized by a golden-yellow skin. The onion is white on the inside. Its flesh is firm and has a sharp taste. The yellow onion is very versatile. It is particularly suited for cooking, frying or roasting and can be used in many fish and meat dishes, as well as in soups and salads.
RED ONIONS: the red onion has a bright, smooth, papery purplish-red skin. Its flesh is mostly white with a red tinge to each layer’s edges. This coloring makes red onion rings highly suited for decoration or garnishes. The red onion has a somewhat milder aroma and is a beautiful red color in its core, making it ideal for salads, for example.
PINK ONIONS: pink onions are a cross between red and white onions and have become very popular in recent years. In terms of taste, as a result of the combination of the sharp yellow and the milder red, pink onions are particularly popular. There is an ever-increasing demand for pink onions as an addition to all kinds of dishes – cooked, fried or raw.
Availablity: see table
Sizes: 35/50 – 40/60 – 45/65 – 50/70 – 60/70 – 60/80 – 70/90 – 75/105
Packaging: 5 kg – 10 kg – 15 kg – 20 kg – 25 kg – small sizes (25×1, 10×1 and 10×2) – (available in branded bags, poly-mesh bags) – Big Bags
Specialties: Pickling onions and shallots
There is a multitude of varieties, colors and sizes when it comes to Dutch onions. On this page, we will introduce a few of the Dutch special onion varieties.
PICKLING ONIONS: this is the general name for numerous different kinds of small onions. Some varieties are merely unripened yellow or red onions; others, like the Stuttgarter, are specially selected in order to produce smaller onions. The strong-tasting silver-white pickling onions (pearl onions) are almost always used in the preserving industry. Yellow and red pickling onions are usually larger and milder than the silver-white varieties. They also store better than the silver-white kind and can be stored in the same manner as standard onions.
SHALLOTS: shallots have a more refined taste than regular onions and are, therefore, popular in culinary applications. So, for a somewhat sweeter onion taste, fried or cooked shallots are a perfect choice. The food industry often uses shallots in refined dishes and sauces. The variety that is the largest in size is the Banana shallot. They are named for their stretched form. They have a smooth brown skin and taste somewhat milder than other shallots. Pink shallots and the ‘èchalote grey’ are probably the strongest tasting shallots. These are the most popular varieties in France. Pink shallots have a rosy skin and pink tinted flesh. Dutch brown shallots are probably the kind most commonly found in the shops. They are a good choice for general use. Their flesh has a pleasant, yet mild taste.
Availability: See table
Sizes: 20/30 – 28/35 – 35/42
Packaging: 5 kg – 10 kg – 15 kg – 20 kg – 25 kg – small sizes (25×1, 10×1 and 10×2) – (available in banded bags, poly-mesh bags) – Big Bags
Spanisch onions
Spanish onions are considered to be sweet onions and are characterized by their round shape. Thanks to their mild, sweet taste, these are a firm favorite for culinary applications. Various varieties of Spanish onions are cultivated throughout the world. An important precondition for the cultivation of this sweet onion variety is a warm climate with long days. This contributes to the development of a large bulb.
The Spanish variety, Babosa, is planted in winter and is available from April, while the Liria is an early-harvest variety. The Grano, also known as the Reca, stores well and is well-known for its even, dark yellow color. This variety is traded between September and March. In addition, there is a steady increase in demand for the strong-tasting red and white Spanish onions.
The Spanish onion is world-renowned for its large sizes and quality that are well-suited for small packs. Thanks to excellent contacts throughout Spain, customers can find these small-package quality and sizes at Mulder Onions. These are suitable for 3 or 4 onions packaged in a net, in a so-called ‘buti’.
Availability: See table
Sizes: 5 (60/75) – 4 (75/90) – 4B (75/82) – 4A (82/90) – 3 (90/100) – 2 (100/110) – 1 (110/120) – 0 (120+)
Packaging: 5 kg – 10 kg – 15kg – 20 kg – 22.7 kg – 24 kg – 25 kg (available in branded bags, poly-mesh bags) – Big Bags
French, German and Austrian onions
In addition to Mulder Onions’ extensive network among Dutch, Belgian and Spanish growers, the company also has direct access to the source in Germany, France and Austria. Customers can always count on Mulder Onions for these onions, which have the same characteristics as their Dutch counterparts.
Availability: zie tabel
Sizes: 40/60 – 50/70 – 60/80 – 70/90 – 70+
Packaging: 5 kg – 10 kg – 15 kg – 20 kg – 25 kg (available in banded bags, poly-mesh bags) – Big Bags
Peeled Polish onions
Mulder Onions is a specialist in the peeled onions trade. Onions, originating from Poland, are peeled and transported chilled, mainly to Great Britain, where they are processed into various dishes for large retailers. Less frequently, our Dutch onions are sold to Poland, peeled there and then resold in Europe. Thanks to the reliable craftsmanship, the end product is of consistent dimensions and top quality. In the peeled onion world, quality is of the utmost importance. Mulder Onions can spring into action quickly and fulfil last-minute orders, and thanks to its extensive network of contacts, offer products that are as fresh as possible.
Availability: See table
Sizes: 40+ – 60+
Packaging: 25 kg (available in plastic bags) – Big Bags
Southern Hemisphere
Mulder Onions completes its onion range with fresh onions from New Zealand and Australia, as well as India, Egypt and Chile. The popularity of onions from these countries has increased since the 1980s. This is not due to shortages in Europe, but rather to an increased demand for new fresh harvested onions in the period between March and July. Mulder Onions has grown into a solid, dependable importer and has, therefore, developed an excellent reputation as a supplier throughout Europe.
Availability: See table
Sizes: 35/50 – 40/60 – 45/55 – 55/65 – 50/70 – 60/70 – 60/80 – 70/90 – 75/105
Packaging: 5 kg – 10 kg – 15 kg – 20 kg – 25 kg (available in branded bags, poly-mesh) – Big Bags – Bins